Copycat Privacy Policy


Welcome to Copycat, the app that transforms your recordings to sound like those of a celebrity. We prioritize your privacy; this policy elaborates on how we collect, process, disclose, and secure your voice data.

Table of Contents

  1. How Copycat Processes Collected Voice Data
  2. Voice Data Retention Policy
  3. Voice Data Collection Method
  4. Voice Data Disclosure and Distribution
  5. Voice Data Security Protocols
  6. User Rights and Preferences

How Copycat Processes Collected Voice Data

We collect your voice data solely for the purpose of transforming your recordings to match the vocal characteristics of celebrities in our database. Your voice data is not used for any other objectives.

Voice Data Retention Policy

Your voice data is stored for a 30-day period, after which it is automatically deleted from our servers. There is no other use of the data within this timeframe.

Voice Data Collection Method

Voice data is gathered directly from the audio files you upload into the app. Our proprietary algorithms analyze this data to facilitate the transformation to a celebrity voice.

Voice Data Disclosure and Distribution

We do not share, sell, or disclose your voice data to third parties unless mandated by legal requirements. All voice data remains securely stored in our internal database.

Voice Data Security Protocols

We deploy advanced encryption algorithms and robust storage solutions to protect your voice data from unauthorized access, loss, or exploitation.

User Rights and Preferences

You have the right to access, edit, or delete your voice data at any time. These actions can be executed through the app settings or by contacting our customer support.

This policy is subject to periodic updates. Any amendments will be reflected on this page with an updated 'Last Modified' date at the top.

For queries concerning this Privacy Policy, please contact us at